Prospective and currently enrolled students at Idaho State College of Osteopathic Medicine will now have the opportunity to pursue a Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) and Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) — simultaneously — beginning Fall 2020.

For students interested in diversifying their academic qualifications in medicine, the process has gotten a little simpler.  Thanks to a recent decision made by Idaho State’s administration team, students will no longer have to wait until after pursuing their MHA in order to pursue their DO.  This is expected to cut enrollment periods substantially.  The administration team also anticipates that this recent change will better facilitate an already growing need for dual enrollment.

According to Dr. Tracy Farnsworth, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Idaho State College of Osteopathic Medicine, the school has experienced an increase in medical students pursuing dual degrees.  By optionally pairing the DO and MHA programs together, ISC looks forward to more expansion possibilities for their medicine programs.

This dual degree program will be available as of the Fall 2020 semester.  Sam Fillingane looks forward to further advancements in his field of Osteopathic Medicine!