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12 Mar 2025

Month: June 2020

Sam Fillingane Idaho State University
Osteopathic Medicine

ISU to Offer Dual MHA, DO Program 

Prospective and currently enrolled students at Idaho State College of Osteopathic Medicine will now have the opportunity to pursue a Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) and Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) — simultaneously — beginning Fall 2020. For students interested in diversifying their academic qualifications…

Dr. Sam Fillingane, DO Mental Health Disorders
Mental Health

Destigmatizing Mental Health Disorders 

A recent study suggests that destigmatizing mental health disorders within youth populations could improve the likelihood that individuals in need of help will seek treatment. Dr. Sam Fillingane discusses Bruce Link’s research, as published in Pediatrics. A study conducted by Bruce Link and a team…